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Care Over Punishment: Conference 2021

April 21-22. 2021 I 2:00 PM - 6:00pm




Cedric Foussard -World Congress

Cederic Foussard has been working in the field of child justice for almost twenty years, and strongly believes by focusing on children's rights, we can positively shape tomorrow's world. For twelve years, he served as the director of the International Juvenile Justice Observatory (IJJO) in Brussels where he was dedicated to championing the cause of children in conflict with the law. He built an international network of more than 10k practitioners from criminal justice, academia, and advocacy to develop research and advocacy programs targeting the United Nations, the Council of Europe, and the European Union institutions an other regional mechanisms. He created regional expert councils on child justice in Europe, Asia-Pacific, North America, and Latin America to foster exchanges of promising practices in law reform and in alternative measures to deprivation of liberty such as restorative justice programs for children.


Globally, he continues to advocate for mental health for children in conflict with the law through his European research on "Mental Health Resources for Young Offenders (MHYO) which reflects the development of a European binding Directive on procedural safeguards for children suspected or accused in criminal proceedings. Mr. Foussard now coordinates the World Congresses on Justice for Children in collaboration with the International Association of Youth and Family Judges and Magistrates, Penal Reform International, and Terre des hommes Foundation. One key goal of the World Congress is to bring together voices from different dimensions of child justice to share good practices and create collaboratives across the world.


He has contributed to a range of publications, including co-editing “Violence Against Children in the Criminal Justice System : Global Perspectives on Prevention” (Routledge , 2020).




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