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Care Over Punishment: Conference 2021

April 21-22. 2021 I 2:00 PM - 6:00pm




Workshop #6 : Canada, US, and England

"RJ in Canada, the US, and England"


Brenda Morrison from Canada will reflect on her 20 years working in RJ. Her talk will reflect on the creative edge of restorative justice, while pondering how to encourage energy to emerge in new forms without losing the integrity and essence of restorative justice. Penelope Griffith (originally from the Caribbean island Granada) is currently in Washington DC and she will discuss the healing circle that applies RJ and the solution-focused approach for women involved in the justice system. The healing circle is implemented by the non-profit organization Ms. Griffith directs, and is a replication of the Hawai‘i reentry planning model developed in 2005. Barb Toews from Washington state will talk about how research into the relationship between RJ and environmental design and an increased awareness of trauma and racial justice has led her to reevaluate her relationship to restorative justice work in prison and movements for decarceration and prison abolition. Marian Liebmann from England will discuss recent developments in the UK using restorative justice to address hate crimes. Kristine Hill from upstate New York will 

Penelope Griffith


Ms. Griffith, LICSW, is an internationally recognized trainer and facilitator in solution-focused and restorative based family group conferencing and circle processes. Ms. Griffith directs Collaborative Solution for Communities in Washington, DC and helped establish and lead DC’s Gang Intervention Partnership. She works with individual youth and communities to prevent retaliatory violence by providing support to help victims of youth violence and their families, re-establish and revive family and community norms around youth violence, increase the use of healing circles, which replicates Hawai‘i’s reentry circle model, to restore relationships between offenders and victims, and increase overall capacity to implement positive youth development strategies in underserved communities.

Marian Liebmann


Dr Marian Liebmann was director of Mediation UK, and now works as a restorative justice practitioner and trainer in the UK; she has worked in several African and East European countries. She is involved in helping Bristol to become a restorative city. She has written/ edited 12 books, including Restorative Justice: How It Works. She is also an art therapist and has applied these skills to work in mediation and restorative justice.

Barb Toews


Barb Toews is Associate Professor in criminal justice at University of Washington Tacoma. Her research focuses on the relationships among criminal/restorative justice, architecture and environmental design, and psycho-social-behavioral-judicial outcomes for victims, offenders, and justice professionals. Her research is meant to inspire a justice architecture and environmental design that reflects restorative justice values and goals of accountability and healing. Barb has numerous publications related to restorative justice, including its relationship to design. Prior to becoming an academic, she held leadership positions in criminal/restorative justice non-profit organizations.

Brenda Morrison


Brenda is Simon Fraser University’s Director of the Research and Engagement Centre for Restorative Justice. She is a social psychologist with teaching, research and field experience in outdoor education, governance and justice.  She completed her PhD at the Australian National University, where she also worked as a Post-Doc at the ANU Centre for Restorative Justice. In these pandemic times, she live, works and plays (24/7) on Nexwlélexwm (Bowen Island), the traditional unceded territory of the Sḵwx̱wú7mesh Nation. 

Kristine Hill


Circle Weaver Kristine Hill, a member of the Tuscarora Nation, part of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, approaches her work in healing and peacemaking with Indigenous perspective. This includes caring for the whole community; experience-grounded trust that people can and do change; integrating compassion and no-nonsense, honest communication; and skills in non-violence. She brings over 20 years of experience as an educator, organizational administrator, and facilitator of diverse, complex communities. She has actively engaged in trauma healing for over 10 years and has been cultivating her spiritual practice for over 30 years. Having raised four children who are all making contributions to the wider community, she is now bringing her skills and abilities to local, national and international organizations as a restorative practitioner, organizational healing conductor, and speaker on Indigenous concerns and peacemaking for multiple different initiatives. Her everyday life is about building relationships, reducing harms, and restoring communication and communities. In addition to her home on her people's territory, she is sojourning the traditional homeland of the Mohican/Mahican peoples in the Hudson Valley, New York. She works to honor her great-grandmother and grandmother, both having endured residential schools twice, by working to maintain a positive outlook and helping others.


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