Care Over Punishment: Conference 2021
April 21-22, 2021 | 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM EST
About this Event​
This event will include two half-day sessions featuring keynote speakers and presenters from around the world who practice and advocate for restorative justice.
Care Over Punishment: A Global Call To Action is a virtual conference that focuses on restorative justice implementation in various parts of the world. Keynote speakers, panelists, and workshop presenters will cover critical issues in public policy, criminal justice, reentry, social justice, expungement, deflection, diversion, restorative justice, and community based program development from a global standpoint.
Attendees will hear from keynote speakers and panelists while networking with other attendees from all over the world including but not limited to Asia, New Zealand, Mexico, Africa, Northern Ireland, England, Spain, California, Hawai'i, Brazil, Singapore, Illinois, World Congress, NACRJ, and many more.
For more information, see the CONFERENCE DETAILS tab to learn more and read about our speakers and presentations.
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Thanks for visiting the GRJP and hope to see you on April 21-22!
--GRJP Team

Dr. Denis Bikesha
Keynote Speaker
Dr. Denis Bikesha holds a Ph.D. Degree from University of Dar es Salaam, School of Law. He received both his first Degree (LL.B) and Master's Degree (LL.M) from the National University of Rwanda (NUR) in 2004 and 2010 respectively. He is also an alumnus of the School for International Training Graduate Institute based at Vermont, USA where he obtained a post-graduate diploma in Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding. Denis has worked for the Government of Rwanda in different capacities including being a legal office, a Director, and a consultant. He worked as a legal officer for the National Service of Gacaca Courts in Rwanda, an organ that coordinated and supervised all the activities related to trying the cases related to the Genocide perpetrated against Tutsi in Rwanda. In 2007, he became the Director of Training, mobilization and Documentation at the National Service of Gacaca Courts, a post he held until the closure of Gacaca Courts activities in June 2012.​
Kay Pranis
Keynote Speaker
Kay Pranis teaches and writes about the dialog process known as 'Peacemaking Circles.' Her initial teachers in the circle work were Barry Stuart, a judge in Yukon, Canada, and Mark Wedge and Harold Gatensby, First Nations people of Yukon. From 1994 – 2003 Kay held the position of Restorative Justice Planner at the MN Dept of Corrections. Since that initial exposure to the use of Peacemaking Circles in the justice system, Kay has been involved in developing the use of Peacemaking Circles in schools, social services, churches, families, neighborhoods, museums, universities, municipal planning and workplaces.
Kay has authored or co-authored several books about Circles: Peacemaking Circles - From Conflict to Community; The Little Book of Circle Processes – A New/Old Approach to Peacemaking; Doing Democracy with Circles – Engaging Communities in Public Planning; Heart of Hope – A Guide for Using Peacemaking Circles to Develop Emotional Literacy, Promote Healing & Build Healthy Relationships and Circle Forward – Building a Restorative School Community.